Learn More About The Colorado River District’s Partnership Project Funding Program At Upcoming Webinar

Join the Colorado River District to learn more about its new Partnership Project Funding Program during the District’s upcoming Water With Your Lunch webinar.
During Water With Your Lunch: Partnership Project Funding Program from noon to 1:15 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10, the District will give an overview of the program including what kind of projects this funding can be used for and program goals. After the presentation, District staff will address audience questions about the Partnership Project Funding Program.
“This is a program by the West Slope, for the West Slope,” said River District General Manager Andy Mueller. “We hope you’ll join us to learn about this program, which will support critical water projects that benefit West Slope water users.”
The Partnership Project Funding Program will fund multi-purpose water projects on the Western Slope in five project categories: productive agriculture, infrastructure, healthy rivers, watershed health and water quality, and conservation and efficiency. Funding for the program was approved by Western Colorado voters as part of Ballot Question 7A in November 2020. These District funds will be directed to projects identified as priorities by communities, water users, and Basin Roundtables in the District.
Staff will not provide feedback on specific proposed projects during the webinar, but participants will gain a better understanding of how to draft a successful project proposal. We welcome your questions in advance to help shape the presentation. You can submit questions by emailing edinfo@crwcd.org.